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Day 4 in San Fran - Operation Day.


Kris said...

You both make my journey so much better and your videos are informative and very to the point and more than anything you can see the love and support that you two have. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your journey with me and would love to befriend you on facebook if possible as I feel you can help me on my journey. If this is ok with you it is Kris Turner- Sterling and I know my fiancee would benefit with talking to Mel, I hate being so forward but dont know how to find you both on Facebook .
Kris x

Nye said...

Heya there Kris - good to hear from you. :)

It's great to hear that we're making a difference and in particular being able to help support you. It's a great thing that you're doing, a thing that requires a huge amount of strength, courage and determination so don't ever let yourself forget that. It would be much easier to just 'put up with it' and do nothing rather than to take the journey you're on and it takes guts.

I don't use FaceBook like that (personal friends and family only as I tend to crap on a lot) but if you like to write me you can look me up on YouTube under SteelthunderT as I check that frequently. :)

I've asked Mel to make contact with your lady - she read her blog and there's a *LOT* in there that we've been through already so I think they'll get along like a house on fire.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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